* My final concern is that the value will only be set *after* someone visits
* CiviCRM in the back end. I have restricted it to this so as not to add
* overhead to the front end, but there remains the possibility that the value
* could be missing. To repeat: this would be better in civicrm.settings.php.
* To get the path to wp-load.php, use:
* $path = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem('CiviCRM Preferences', 'wpLoadPhp');
public function add_wpload_setting() {
if (!$this->initialize()) {
$setting = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem('CiviCRM Preferences', 'wpLoadPhp');
if ( is_null( $setting ) ) {
CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::setItem($path, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'wpLoadPhp');
// Yes - set new path (this could be because we've changed server or location)
CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::setItem($path, 'CiviCRM Preferences', 'wpLoadPhp');
* Perform necessary stuff prior to CiviCRM being loaded on the front end
* This needs to be a method because it can then be hooked into WP at the
public function front_end_page_load() {
static $frontend_loaded = FALSE;
if ( $frontend_loaded ) {
// Merge CiviCRM's HTML header with the WordPress theme's header
add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'wp_head' ) );
$frontend_loaded = TRUE;
* This is needed because $this->front_end_page_load() is only called when
* there is a single CiviCRM entity present on a page or archive and, whilst
* we don't want all the Javascript to load, we do want stylesheets.
* @since 4.6
public function front_end_css_load() {
static $frontend_css_loaded = FALSE;
if ( $frontend_css_loaded ) {
if (!$this->initialize()) {
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$dependent = NULL;
// Load core CSS
if (!CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'disable_core_css')) {
$config->resourceBase . 'css/civicrm.css',
NULL, // Dependencies
'all' // Media
$dependent = array( 'civicrm_css' );
// Load custom CSS
if (!empty($config->customCSSURL)) {
$dependent, // Dependencies
'all' // Media
$frontend_css_loaded = TRUE;
* Add CiviCRM core resources.
* @since 4.6
* @param bool $front_end True if on WP front end, false otherwise.
public function add_core_resources( $front_end = TRUE ) {
if (!$this->initialize()) {
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$config->userFrameworkFrontend = $front_end;
* Merge CiviCRM's HTML header with the WordPress theme's header.
* Callback from WordPress 'admin_head' and 'wp_head' hooks.
* @since 4.4
// CRM-11823 - If CiviCRM bootstrapped, then merge its HTML header with the CMS's header
global $civicrm_root;
if ( empty( $civicrm_root ) ) {
$region = CRM_Core_Region::instance('html-header', FALSE);
if ( $region ) {
echo '<!-- CiviCRM html header -->';
echo $region->render( '' );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CiviCRM Invocation (this outputs Civi's markup)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Invoke CiviCRM in a WordPress context.
* Callback function from add_menu_page()
* Callback from WordPress 'init' and 'the_content' hooks
* Also called by shortcode_render() and _civicrm_update_user()
public function invoke() {
static $alreadyInvoked = FALSE;
if ( $alreadyInvoked ) {
// Bail if this is called via a content-preprocessing plugin
if ( $this->is_page_request() && !in_the_loop() && !is_admin() ) {
if (!$this->initialize()) {
* CRM-12523
* WordPress has it's own timezone calculations
* CiviCRM relies on the php default timezone which WP
* overrides with UTC in wp-settings.php
$wpBaseTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
$wpUserTimezone = get_option('timezone_string');
if ($wpUserTimezone) {
* CRM-95XX
* At this point we are calling a CiviCRM function
* WP always quotes the request, CiviCRM needs to reverse what it just did.
// Code inside invoke() requires the current user to be set up
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
* Bypass synchronize if running upgrade to avoid any serious non-recoverable
* error which might hinder the upgrade process.
if ( CRM_Utils_Array::value('q', $_GET) != 'civicrm/upgrade' ) {
$this->users->sync_user( $current_user );
if ( !isset( $_GET['q'] ) ) {
$_GET['q'] = 'civicrm/dashboard';
$_GET['reset'] = 1;
$argdata['args'] = array('civicrm', 'dashboard');
if ($wpBaseTimezone) {
* Broadcast that CiviCRM has been invoked.
* @since 4.4
do_action( 'civicrm_invoked' );
* Non-destructively override WordPress magic quotes.
* Only called by invoke() to undo WordPress default behaviour.
* CMW: Should probably be a private method.
public function remove_wp_magic_quotes() {
$this->wp_get = $_GET;
$this->wp_post = $_POST;
$this->wp_cookie = $_COOKIE;
$this->wp_request = $_REQUEST;
$_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET);
$_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
$_COOKIE = stripslashes_deep($_COOKIE);
$_REQUEST = stripslashes_deep($_REQUEST);
* Only called by invoke() to redo WordPress default behaviour.
* CMW: Should probably be a private method.
* @since 4.4
public function restore_wp_magic_quotes() {
$_GET = $this->wp_get;
$_POST = $this->wp_post;
$_COOKIE = $this->wp_cookie;
$_REQUEST = $this->wp_request;
* Detect Ajax, snippet, or file requests.
* @since 4.4
* @return boolean True if request is for a CiviCRM page, false otherwise.
* FIXME: It's not sustainable to hardcode a whitelist of all of non-HTML
* pages. Maybe the menu-XML should include some metadata to make this
* unnecessary?
if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', $_SERVER) == 'XMLHttpRequest'
|| ($argdata['args'][0] == 'civicrm' && in_array($argdata['args'][1], array('ajax', 'file')) )
|| !empty($_REQUEST['snippet'])
|| strpos($argdata['argString'], 'civicrm/event/ical') === 0 && empty($_GET['html'])
|| strpos($argdata['argString'], 'civicrm/contact/imagefile') === 0
) {
return FALSE;
else {
return TRUE;
* @since 4.6
* @return array $argdata Array containing request arguments and request string.
public function get_request_args() {
$argString = NULL;
$args = array();
if (isset( $_GET['q'])) {
$argString = trim($_GET['q']);
$args = explode('/', $argString);
$args = array_pad($args, 2, '');
return array(
'args' => $args,
'argString' => $argString
* Add CiviCRM's title to the header's <title> tag.
* @since 4.6
* @param string $title The title to set.
* @return string The computed title.
public function set_admin_title($title) {
global $civicrm_wp_title;
if (!$civicrm_wp_title) {
return $title;
// Replace 1st occurance of "CiviCRM" in the title
$pos = strpos($title, 'CiviCRM');
if ($pos !== FALSE) {
return substr_replace($title, $civicrm_wp_title, $pos, 7);
return $civicrm_wp_title;
* Override a WordPress page title with the CiviCRM entity title.
* Callback method for 'single_page_title' hook, always called from WP front-end.
* @since 4.6
* @param string $post_title The title of the WordPress page or post.
* @param object $post The WordPress post object the title applies to.
* @return string $civicrm_wp_title The title of the CiviCRM entity.
public function single_page_title( $post_title, $post ) {
global $civicrm_wp_title;
if (!empty($civicrm_wp_title)) {
return $civicrm_wp_title;
* Callback from 'edit_post_link' hook.
* @since 4.6
* @return string Always empty.
public function clear_edit_post_link() {
return '';
* Remove edit link in WP Admin Bar.
* Callback from 'wp_before_admin_bar_render' hook.
public function clear_edit_post_menu_item() {
$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu( 'edit' );
* Clone of CRM_Utils_System_WordPress::getBaseUrl() whose access is set to
* private. Until it is public, we cannot access the URL of the basepage since
* 27-09-2016
* CRM-16421 CRM-17633 WIP Changes to support WP in it's own directory
* For now leave hard coded wp-admin references.
* TODO: remove wp-admin references and replace with admin_url() in the future.
* TODO: Look at best way to get path to admin_url.
* @since 4.4
* @param bool $absolute Passing TRUE prepends the scheme and domain, FALSE doesn't.
* @param bool $frontend Passing FALSE returns the admin URL.
* @param $forceBackend Passing TRUE overrides $frontend and returns the admin URL.
* @return mixed|null|string
public function get_base_url($absolute, $frontend, $forceBackend) {
return Civi::paths()->getUrl('[wp.backend]/.', $absolute ? 'absolute' : 'relative');
else {
return Civi::paths()->getUrl('[wp.frontend]/.', $absolute ? 'absolute' : 'relative');
Procedures start here
* The main function responsible for returning the CiviCRM_For_WordPress instance
* to functions everywhere.
* Use this function like you would a global variable, except without needing to
* declare the global.
* @since 4.4
* @return CiviCRM_For_WordPress The plugin instance.
function civi_wp() {
return CiviCRM_For_WordPress::singleton();
* Instantiate CiviCRM_For_WordPress immediately.
* See CiviCRM_For_WordPress::setup_instance()
* Tell WordPress to call plugin activation method - no longer calls legacy
register_activation_hook( CIVICRM_PLUGIN_FILE, array( civi_wp(), 'activate' ) );
* Tell WordPress to call plugin deactivation method - needed in order to reset
* the option that is set on activation.
register_deactivation_hook( CIVICRM_PLUGIN_FILE, array( civi_wp(), 'deactivate' ) );
// Uninstall uses the 'uninstall.php' method
// See:
The global scope functions below are to maintain backwards compatibility with
previous versions of the CiviCRM WordPress plugin.
* Add CiviCRM access capabilities to WordPress roles.
* Called by postProcess() in civicrm/CRM/ACL/Form/WordPress/Permissions.php
* Also a callback for the 'init' hook in civi_wp()->register_hooks()
function wp_civicrm_capability() {
* Test if CiviCRM is currently being displayed in WordPress.
* Called by setTitle() in civicrm/CRM/Utils/System/WordPress.php
* Also called at the top of this plugin file to determine AJAX status
* @since 4.3
* @return bool True if CiviCRM is displayed in WordPress, false otherwise.
function civicrm_wp_in_civicrm() {
return civi_wp()->civicrm_in_wordpress();
* This was the original name of the initialization function and is
* retained for backward compatibility.
* @since 4.3
* @return bool True if CiviCRM is initialized, false otherwise.
function civicrm_wp_initialize() {
return civi_wp()->initialize();
* Initialize CiviCRM. Call this function from other modules too if
* they use the CiviCRM API.
* @since 4.3
* @return bool True if CiviCRM is initialized, false otherwise.
function civicrm_initialize() {
return civi_wp()->initialize();
* Callback from 'edit_post_link' hook to remove edit link in civicrm_set_post_blank().
* @since 4.3
* @return string Always empty.
function civicrm_set_blank() {
return civi_wp()->clear_edit_post_link();
* Authentication function used by civicrm_wp_frontend().
* @since 4.3
* @param array $args The page arguments array.
* @return bool True if authenticated, false otherwise.
function civicrm_check_permission( $args ) {
return civi_wp()->users->check_permission( $args );
* Called when authentication fails in civicrm_wp_frontend().
* @since 4.3
* @return string Warning message.
function civicrm_set_frontendmessage() {
return civi_wp()->users->get_permission_denied();
* Invoke CiviCRM in a WordPress context.
* Callback function from add_menu_page().
* Callback from WordPress 'init' and 'the_content' hooks.
* Also used by civicrm_wp_shortcode_includes() and _civicrm_update_user().
* @since 4.3
function civicrm_wp_invoke() {
* Method that runs only when civicrm plugin is activated.
function civicrm_activate() {
* Set WordPress user capabilities.
* Function to create anonymous_user' role, if 'anonymous_user' role is not in
* the wordpress installation and assign minimum capabilities for all wordpress roles.
* This function is called on plugin activation and also from upgrade_4_3_alpha1().
* @since 4.3
function civicrm_wp_set_capabilities() {
* Callback function for add_options_page() that runs the CiviCRM installer.
* @since 4.3
function civicrm_run_installer() {
* Function to get the contact type.
* @since 4.3
* @param string $default The contact type.
* @return string $ctype The contact type.
function civicrm_get_ctype( $default = NULL ) {
return civi_wp()->users->get_civicrm_contact_type( $default );
* Getter function for global $wp_set_breadCrumb.
* Called by appendBreadCrumb() in civicrm/CRM/Utils/System/WordPress.php
* @since 4.3
* @return string $wp_set_breadCrumb The breadcrumb markup.
function wp_get_breadcrumb() {
global $wp_set_breadCrumb;
return $wp_set_breadCrumb;
* Setter function for global $wp_set_breadCrumb.
* Called by appendBreadCrumb() in civicrm/CRM/Utils/System/WordPress.php
* Called by resetBreadCrumb() in civicrm/CRM/Utils/System/WordPress.php
* @since 4.3
* @param string $breadCrumb The desired breadcrumb markup.
* @return string $wp_set_breadCrumb The breadcrumb markup.
function wp_set_breadcrumb( $breadCrumb ) {
global $wp_set_breadCrumb;
$wp_set_breadCrumb = $breadCrumb;
return $wp_set_breadCrumb;
* Incorporate WP-CLI Integration.
* Based on drush civicrm functionality, work done by Andy Walker.
// Changed from __DIR__ because of possible symlink issues
include_once CIVICRM_PLUGIN_DIR . 'wp-cli/civicrm.php';