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Commit a37e480e authored by Josh Pollock's avatar Josh Pollock
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No related branches found
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with 860 additions and 0 deletions
# single file
coverage_clover: coverage/clover.xml
service_name: travis-ci
repo_token: COVERALLS_KEY
\ No newline at end of file
# A set of files you probably don't want in your distribution
# This file is for unifying the coding style for different editors and IDEs
# WordPress Coding Standards
root = true
charset = utf-8
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = crlf
\ No newline at end of file
# Give sudo to environment
sudo: required
# Make Docker available inside the container
- docker
# Use the PHP environment
language: php
# Don't send notifications via email, that's annoying
on_success: never
on_failure: never
# Trigger only on master -- we'll add Github pull requests in settings
- master
# Cache composer dependencies
- vendor
- $HOME/.composer/cache
# Build these combinations of PHP and WordPress Versions
- php: 7.2
env: WP_VERSION=latest
- php: 7.1
env: WP_VERSION=latest
- php: 7.2
env: WP_VERSION=trunk
# Setup environment
# Export composer
- export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"
# Install plugin with composer
- composer install --no-progress
# Run tests
# Run just unit tests first -- if they fail we never spend the time building the environment for integration tests
- composer unit-tests
# Install full test environment using composer script
- composer wp-install
# Run integration tests
- composer wp-tests
# IF tests passed run coverage and sniffs
# Run coverage
- vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=coverage.xml
# Report to codecov
- bash <(curl -s CODECOV_KEY
\ No newline at end of file
module.exports = function( grunt ) {
'use strict';
var banner = '/**\n * <%= pkg.homepage %>\n * Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %>\n * This file is generated automatically. Do not edit.\n */\n';
// Project configuration
grunt.initConfig( {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON( 'package.json' ),
addtextdomain: {
options: {
textdomain: 'caldera-forms-query',
update_all_domains: {
options: {
updateDomains: true
src: [ '*.php', '**/*.php', '!node_modules/**', '!php-tests/**', '!bin/**' ]
wp_readme_to_markdown: {
your_target: {
files: {
'': 'readme.txt'
makepot: {
target: {
options: {
domainPath: '/languages',
mainFile: 'caldera-forms-query.php',
potFilename: 'caldera-forms-query.pot',
potHeaders: {
poedit: true,
'x-poedit-keywordslist': true
type: 'wp-plugin',
updateTimestamp: true
} );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-wp-i18n' );
grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-wp-readme-to-markdown' );
grunt.registerTask( 'i18n', ['addtextdomain', 'makepot'] );
grunt.registerTask( 'readme', ['wp_readme_to_markdown'] );
grunt.util.linefeed = '\n';
[![Build Status](](
## Development
### Install
Requires git and Composer
* `git clone`
* `cd caldera-forms-query`
* `composer install`
### Local Development Environment
A local development environment is included, and provided. It is used for integration tests. Requires Composer, Docker and Docker Compose.
* Install Local Environment And WordPress "Unit" Test Suite
- `composer wp-install`
You should know have WordPress at http://localhost:8888/
* (re)Start Server: Once server is installed, you can start it again
- `composer wp-start`
### Testing
#### Install
Follow the steps above to create local development environment, then you can use the commands listed in the next section.
#### Use
Run these commands from the plugin's root directory.
* Run All Tests and Code Sniffs and Fixes
- `composer tests`
* Run Unit Tests
- `composer unit-tests`
* Run WordPress Integration Tests
- `composer wp-tests`
* Fix All Code Formatting
- `composer formatting`
namespace CalderaLearn\RestSearch\Tests\Integration;
* Class IntegrationTestCase
* All integration tests MUST extend this class
* @package CalderaLearn\RestSearch\Tests\Integration
abstract class IntegrationTestCase extends \WP_UnitTestCase
namespace CalderaLearn\RestSearch\Tests\Integration;
// phpcs:disable
* Class RestAPITestCase
* Test case that all REST API integration tests MUST extend
* @package CalderaLearn\RestSearch\Tests\Integration
abstract class RestAPITestCase extends IntegrationTestCase
* Copied from \WP_Test_REST_Controller_Testcase
* @inheritdoc
public function setUp()
add_filter('rest_url', array( $this, 'filter_rest_url_for_leading_slash' ), 10, 2);
/** @var \WP_REST_Server $wp_rest_server */
global $wp_rest_server;
$wp_rest_server = new \Spy_REST_Server;
do_action('rest_api_init', $wp_rest_server);
* Copied from \WP_Test_REST_Controller_Testcase
* @inheritdoc
public function tearDown()
remove_filter('rest_url', array( $this, 'test_rest_url_for_leading_slash' ), 10, 2);
/** @var \WP_REST_Server $wp_rest_server */
global $wp_rest_server;
$wp_rest_server = null;
public function filter_rest_url_for_leading_slash($url, $path)
if (is_multisite()) {
return $url;
// Make sure path for rest_url has a leading slash for proper resolution.
$this->assertTrue(0 === strpos($path, '/'), 'REST API URL should have a leading slash.');
return $url;
// phpcs:enable
namespace CalderaLearn\RestSearch\Tests\Integration;
use CalderaLearn\RestSearch\FilterWPQuery;
use CalderaLearn\RestSearch\Tests\Mock\AlwaysFilterWPQuery;
class RestRequestTest extends RestAPITestCase
* Ensures that REST API requests will be filtered
* @covers FilterWPQuery::callback()
public function testShouldFilter()
//Create a request
$request = new \WP_REST_Request('GET', '/wp/v2/posts');
//Make sure the method returns true
* Ensure that REST API response data was correctly altered
* @covers FilterWPQuery::shouldFilter();
* @covers FilterWPQuery::callback()
public function testFilteringRESTRequest()
//Setup filter
//Create a request
$request = new \WP_REST_Request('GET', '/wp/v2/posts');
//Dispatch request
$response = rest_get_server()->dispatch($request);
//Test response status
$this->assertSame(200, $response->get_status());
//Test the response data
//Use the mock data we have in our mock class as the expected values
$expected = FilterWPQuery::getPosts();
//Test that the expected results and the actual results are the same
$responseData = $response->get_data();
$this->assertSame(count($expected), count($responseData));
foreach ($responseData as $i => $responsePost) {
$this->assertSame($expected[$i]->post_title, $responsePost[ 'title' ][ 'rendered' ]);
class wpdb
public function get_results( $query = null, $output = OBJECT )
return [
\ No newline at end of file
namespace calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\EntryQueries;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\Entry;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\SelectQueryBuilder;
class EntryQueriesTest extends TestCase
* Test getting entry SQL generator
* @covers EntryQueries::getEntryGenerator()
* @covers EntryQueries::$entryGenerator
public function testGetEntryGenerator()
$queries = $this->entryQueriesFactory();
$this->assertTrue( is_a( $queries->getEntryGenerator(), Entry::class) );
* Test getting entry values SQL generator
* @covers EntryQueries::getEntryValueGenerator()
* @covers EntryQueries::$entryValueGenerator
*/public function testGetEntryValueGenerator()
$queries = $this->entryQueriesFactory();
$this->assertTrue( is_a( $queries->getEntryValueGenerator(), EntryValues::class) );
* Test that getResults method returns an array
* @covers EntryQueries::getResults()
public function testGetResults()
$queries = $this->entryQueriesFactory();
$this->assertTrue( is_array( $queries->getResults( "SELECT `roy` FROM sivan WHERE mike = 'roy'")));
\ No newline at end of file
namespace calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\MySqlBuilder;
class MySqlBuilderTest extends TestCase
* Test that sprintf tags, not :v(n) is used for substitutions
* @covers MySqlBuilder::$placeholderWriter
* @covers MySqlBuilder::setPlaceHolderWriter()
* @covers MySqlBuilder::__construct()
public function testSubstitutions()
$builder = $this->MySqlBuilderFactory();
$query = new \NilPortugues\Sql\QueryBuilder\Manipulation\Select('foo');
->equals( 'mike', 'roy')
$builder->write( $query );
$values = $builder->getValues();
$this->assertTrue(is_array( $values ) );
$this->assertArrayHasKey( '%1s', $values );
\ No newline at end of file
namespace calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit\Select;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\Entry;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit\TestCase;
class EntryTest extends TestCase
* Test query by form ID
* @covers Entry::queryByFormsId()
public function testQueryByFormsId()
$expectedSql = "SELECT `wp_cf_form_entries`.* FROM `wp_cf_form_entries` WHERE (`wp_cf_form_entries`.`form_id` = 'cf12345')";
$entryGenerator = $this->entryGeneratorFactory();
$generator = $entryGenerator->queryByFormsId( 'cf12345');
$this->assertTrue( $this->isAEntry($generator) );
$actualSql = $entryGenerator->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* Test query by entry ID
* @covers Entry::queryByEntryId()
public function testQueryByEntryId()
$expectedSql = "SELECT `wp_cf_form_entries`.* FROM `wp_cf_form_entries` WHERE (`wp_cf_form_entries`.`id` = '42')";
$entryGenerator = $this->entryGeneratorFactory();
$generator = $entryGenerator->queryByEntryId( 42);
$this->assertTrue( $this->isAEntry($generator) );
$actualSql = $entryGenerator->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* Test query by user ID
* @covers Entry::queryByUserId()
public function testQueryByUserId()
$expectedSql = "SELECT `wp_cf_form_entries`.* FROM `wp_cf_form_entries` WHERE (`wp_cf_form_entries`.`user_id` = '42')";
$entryGenerator = $this->entryGeneratorFactory();
$generator = $entryGenerator->queryByUserId( 42);
$this->assertTrue( $this->isAEntry($generator) );
$actualSql = $entryGenerator->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* @param $generator
* @return bool
protected function isAEntry($generator)
return is_a($generator, '\calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\Entry');
\ No newline at end of file
namespace calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit\Select;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit\TestCase;
class EntryValuesTest extends TestCase
* Test query by field where field value equals a value
* @covers \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues::queryByFieldValue()
public function testQueryByFieldValueEquals()
$expectedSql = "SELECT `cf_form_entry_values`.* FROM `cf_form_entry_values` WHERE (`cf_form_entry_values`.`value` = '') AND (`cf_form_entry_values`.`slug` = 'email_address')";
$entryValues = $this->entryValuesGeneratorFactory();
$generator = $entryValues->queryByFieldValue( 'email_address', '' );
$actualSql = $entryValues->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* Test query by field where field value does not equals a value
* @covers \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues::queryByFieldValue()
public function testQueryByFieldValueNotEquals()
$expectedSql = "SELECT `cf_form_entry_values`.* FROM `cf_form_entry_values` WHERE (`cf_form_entry_values`.`value` <> '') AND (`cf_form_entry_values`.`slug` = 'email_address')";
$entryValues = $this->entryValuesGeneratorFactory();
$generator =$entryValues->queryByFieldValue( 'email_address', '','notEquals' );
$actualSql = $entryValues->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* Test query by field where field value is like a value
* @cover \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues::$isLike
* @covers \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues::queryByFieldValue()
public function testQueryByFieldValueLike()
$expectedSql = "SELECT `cf_form_entry_values`.* FROM `cf_form_entry_values` WHERE (`cf_form_entry_values`.`value` LIKE";
$entryValues = $this->entryValuesGeneratorFactory();
$generator = $entryValues->queryByFieldValue( 'email_address', '','like' );
$actualSql = $entryValues->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* Test query by entry id
* @covers \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues::queryByFieldValue()
public function testQueryByEntryId()
$expectedSql = "SELECT `cf_form_entry_values`.* FROM `cf_form_entry_values` WHERE (`cf_form_entry_values`.`entry_id` = '42')";
$entryValues = $this->entryValuesGeneratorFactory();
$generator = $entryValues->queryByEntryId( 42 );
$actualSql = $entryValues->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* @param $generator
* @return bool
protected function isAEntryValues($generator)
return is_a($generator, '\calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues');
\ No newline at end of file
namespace calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit\Select;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\MySqlBuilder;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\Entry;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\SelectQueryBuilder;
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit\TestCase;
use NilPortugues\Sql\QueryBuilder\Manipulation\Select;
class SelectQueryBuilderTest extends TestCase
* Test table names
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::getTableName()
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::$tableName
public function testGetTableName()
$entry = $this->entryGeneratorFactory();
$this->assertEquals( 'wp_cf_form_entries', $entry->getTableName() );
$entryValues = $this->entryValuesGeneratorFactory();
$this->assertSame( 'cf_form_entry_values', $entryValues->getTableName() );
* Test getting SQL builder
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::getBuilder()
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::$builder
public function testGetBuilder()
$entry = $this->entryGeneratorFactory();
$this->assertTrue( is_a( $entry->getBuilder(), MySqlBuilder::class ) );
$entryValues = $this->entryValuesGeneratorFactory();
$this->assertTrue( is_a( $entryValues->getBuilder(), MySqlBuilder::class ) );
* Test getting select query generator
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::getSelectQuery()
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::$query
public function testGetSelectQuery()
$entry = $this->entryGeneratorFactory();
$this->assertTrue( is_a( $entry->getSelectQuery(), Select::class ) );
$entryValues = $this->entryValuesGeneratorFactory();
$this->assertTrue( is_a( $entryValues->getSelectQuery(), Select::class ) );
* Test adding orderby DESC
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::addOrderBy()
public function testAddOrderByDesc()
$entry = $this->entryGeneratorFactory();
$expectedSql = "SELECT `wp_cf_form_entries`.* FROM `wp_cf_form_entries` WHERE (`wp_cf_form_entries`.`form_id` = 'cf12345') ORDER BY `wp_cf_form_entries`.`form_id` DESC";
$entry->queryByFormsId( 'cf12345' );
$entry->addOrderBy( 'form_id', false );
$actualSql = $entry->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* Test adding orderby ASC
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::addOrderBy()
public function testAddOrderByAsc()
$entry = $this->entryGeneratorFactory();
$expectedSql = "SELECT `wp_cf_form_entries`.* FROM `wp_cf_form_entries` WHERE (`wp_cf_form_entries`.`form_id` = 'cf12345') ORDER BY `wp_cf_form_entries`.`form_id` ASC";
$entry->queryByFormsId( 'cf12345' );
$entry->addOrderBy( 'form_id' );
$actualSql = $entry->getPreparedSql();
$this->assertEquals( $expectedSql, $actualSql );
* Test the ASC constant
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::ASC
public function testAscConstant()
$this->assertEquals( Entry::ASC, 'ASC' );
$this->assertEquals( EntryValues::ASC, 'ASC' );
* Test the SDESC constant
* @covers SelectQueryBuilder::DESC
public function testDescConstant()
$this->assertEquals( Entry::DESC, 'DESC' );
$this->assertEquals( EntryValues::DESC, 'DESC' );
\ No newline at end of file
namespace calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Tests\Unit;
//Import PHP unit test case.
//Must be aliased to avoid having two classes of same name in scope.
use calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\EntryQueries;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase as FrameworkTestCase;
* Class TestCase
* Default test case for all unit tests
* @package CalderaLearn\RestSearch\Tests\Unit
abstract class TestCase extends FrameworkTestCase
* @return \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues
protected function entryValuesGeneratorFactory()
return new \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\EntryValues(
* @return \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\Entry
protected function entryGeneratorFactory()
return new \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\Select\Entry(
* @return \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\MySqlBuilder
protected function MySqlBuilderFactory(): \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\MySqlBuilder
return new \calderawp\CalderaFormsQuery\MySqlBuilder();
* @return EntryQueries
protected function entryQueriesFactory()
return new EntryQueries(
new \wpdb()
// phpcs:disable
* This is the bootstrap file for Integration Tests -- run with composer wp-tests
$_tests_dir = getenv('WP_TESTS_DIR');
if (! $_tests_dir) {
$_tests_dir = '/tmp/wordpress-tests-lib';
// Give access to tests_add_filter() function.
require_once $_tests_dir . '/includes/functions.php';
* Manually load the plugin being tested.
function _manually_load_plugin()
require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/caldera-forms-query.php';
tests_add_filter('muplugins_loaded', '_manually_load_plugin');
// Start up the WP testing environment.
require $_tests_dir . '/includes/bootstrap.php';
// phpcs:enable
// phpcs:disable
* This is the bootstrap file for Unit Tests -- run using composer unit-tests
//Manually include plugin
include_once dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/caldera-forms-query.php';
/** Translation compatibility */
if (! function_exists('translate')) {
* @param string $text
* @return string mixed
function translate($text)
return $text;
if (! function_exists('__')) {
* @param string $text Text to translate.
* @param string $domain Optional. Text domain. Unique identifier for retrieving translated strings.
* Default 'default'.
* @return string Translated text.
function __($text, $domain = 'default')
return translate($text, $domain);
if ( ! defined( 'ARRAY_A')) {
define('OBJECT', 'OBJECT');
define('object', 'OBJECT');
define('OBJECT_K', 'OBJECT_K');
define('ARRAY_A', 'ARRAY_A');
define('ARRAY_N', 'ARRAY_N');
\ No newline at end of file
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