# Conditional Form Actions for ACFE Adds some Form Actions to *ACF Extended* that have a Conditional Field through which the Action can be bypassed. ## Basic Usage When creating an *ACF Extended* Form, you will see some new Form Actions: * _Conditional Redirect action_ * _Conditional Email action_ * _WooCommerce Product action_ Add them to your *ACF Extended* Form to make use of the functionality that they offer. ## Installation There are two ways to install from GitLab: ### ZIP Download If you have downloaded *Conditional Form Actions for ACFE* as a ZIP file from the GitLab repository, do the following to install the plugin: 1. Unzip the .zip file and, if needed, rename the enclosing folder so that the plugin's files are located directly inside `/wp-content/plugins/conditional-form-actions-for-acfe` 2. *Conditional Form Actions for ACFE* is installed. ### git clone If you have cloned the code from GitLab, it is assumed that you know what you're doing.