# Copyright (C) 2023 CiviCRM LLC
# This file is distributed under the AGPL3.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: CiviCRM 4.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/civicrm\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-07-25T14:01:10+00:00\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"X-Generator: WP-CLI 2.8.1\n"
"X-Domain: civicrm\n"

#. Plugin Name of the plugin
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.error.php:107
#: includes/civicrm.admin.php:630
#: includes/civicrm.admin.php:631
#: includes/civicrm.basepage.php:273
#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.modal.php:92
#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.php:598
msgid "CiviCRM"
msgstr ""

#. Plugin URI of the plugin
msgid "https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/install/wordpress/"
msgstr ""

#. Description of the plugin
msgid "CiviCRM - Growing and Sustaining Relationships"
msgstr ""

#. Author of the plugin
msgid "CiviCRM LLC"
msgstr ""

#. Author URI of the plugin
msgid "https://civicrm.org/"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.contact.add.php:40
msgid "First Name"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.contact.add.php:46
msgid "Last Name"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.contact.add.php:52
msgid "Email"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.contact.add.php:58
#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:128
msgid "Add Contact"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.contact.add.php:66
msgid "Recently Added Contacts"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.error.help.php:22
msgid "Please review the %1$sWordPress Installation Guide%2$s and the %3$sTroubleshooting page%4$s for assistance. If you still need help, you can often find solutions to your issue by searching for the error message in the %5$sinstallation support section of the community forum%6$s."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.error.path.php:22
msgid "The path for including CiviCRM code files does appear to be set properly. Most likely there is an error in the %s setting in your CiviCRM settings file."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.error.path.php:26
msgid "Your CiviCRM settings file location is set to:"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.error.path.php:28
msgid "%s is currently set to:"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.error.path.php:30
msgid "Please check that your CiviCRM settings file is where it should be and that %s is set correctly in it. Also check that the CiviCRM code directory is where it should be. If these are both fine, then you will have to look in your logs for more information."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.error.php.php:22
msgid "CiviCRM requires PHP version %1$s or greater. You are running PHP version %2$s"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.error.php.php:27
msgid "You will have to upgrade PHP before you can run this version CiviCRM."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.error.php.php:29
msgid "To continue using CiviCRM without upgrading PHP, you will have to revert both the plugin and the database to a backup of your previous version."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.basepage.php:36
msgid "CiviCRM needs a WordPress Page to show its content on the public-facing pages of your website."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.basepage.php:38
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:845
msgid "Please select a Page from the drop-down for CiviCRM to use as its Base Page. If CiviCRM was able to create one automatically, there should be one with the title \"CiviCRM\". If not, please select another suitable WordPress Page."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.basepage.php:40
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:903
msgid "It appears that your Base Page has been set. Looking good."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.basepage.php:44
msgid "Choose Base Page"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.basepage.php:48
#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.email.php:44
#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.shortcode.php:44
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:179
msgid "Saved"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.basepage.php:49
#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.email.php:45
#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.shortcode.php:45
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:177
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.cache.php:38
msgid "You may sometimes find yourself in situations that require the CiviCRM caches to be cleared, e.g. when template files need to be refreshed."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.cache.php:41
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:183
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:347
msgid "Clear Caches"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.email.php:35
msgid "When a WordPress User updates their Email, CiviCRM will automatically update the Primary Email of their linked Contact record. This setting lets you choose whether the reverse update should happen - i.e. if the Primary Email of a Contact that has a linked WordPress User is updated, do you want CiviCRM to update the WordPress User Email?"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.email.php:37
msgid "Sync Emails"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.email.php:39
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.email.php:40
msgid "No"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.links.php:31
msgid "Below is a list of shortcuts to some CiviCRM admin pages that are important when you are setting up CiviCRM. When these settings are correctly configured, your CiviCRM installation should be ready for you to customise to your requirements."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.links.php:43
msgid "Shortcuts to some CiviCRM maintenance tasks."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.permissions.php:38
msgid "You may need all CiviCRM permissions to be exposed as capabilities in WordPress, e.g. when you want them to be discoverable by other plugins. CiviCRM can do this by creating a role called \"CiviCRM Admin\" that has the complete set of CiviCRM capabilities. If you choose not to create the \"CiviCRM Admin\" role, then refreshing will just rebuild the existing set of capabilities."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.permissions.php:40
msgid "CiviCRM Admin Role"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.permissions.php:42
msgid "Enable the CiviCRM Admin role"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.permissions.php:43
msgid "Do not enable the CiviCRM Admin role"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.permissions.php:47
msgid "Refresh Permissions"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.shortcode.php:35
msgid "When a CiviCRM Shortcode is embedded in a Post/Page without \"hijack\" being set, it is shown embedded in the content in \"Shortcode Mode\". If any action is taken via the Shortcode, a query string is appended to the URL and the Post/Page is shown in \"Base Page Mode\" and the title and content are overwritten. Choose to keep this legacy behaviour or move to the new \"Remain in Shortcode Mode\" behaviour."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.shortcode.php:37
msgid "Display Mode"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.shortcode.php:39
msgid "Remain in Shortcode Mode"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.options.shortcode.php:40
msgid "Legacy Base Page Mode"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.ext.php:21
msgid "Extensions are a bit like plugins because they enhance what CiviCRM can do. You can find, install and manage many of them in CiviCRM."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.ext.php:24
msgid "Go to your CiviCRM Extensions Page"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.ext.php:29
msgid "Here are some other places you can find them."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.ext.php:32
msgid "Search CiviCRM Website for \"Extensions\" that are compatible with WordPress"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.ext.php:33
msgid "Search CiviCRM GitLab for \"Extensions\" that are compatible with WordPress"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.ext.php:34
msgid "Search GitHub for \"CiviCRM Extensions\""
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.git.php:21
msgid "For the more adventurous, here is a list of plugins that are hosted in git repositories around the web. You may need a bit more technical confidence to install and upgrade these plugins."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.git.php:26
msgid "Search GitHub for CiviCRM &amp; WordPress"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.git.php:44
#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.wordpress.php:49
msgid "Could not fetch list of plugins."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.wordpress.php:21
msgid "The easiest way to extend CiviCRM and integrate it with WordPress is through installing plugins that are hosted in the WordPress Plugin Directory. These can be installed and updated through the normal WordPress admin screens."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.wordpress.php:26
msgid "Search the WordPress Plugin Directory for plugins tagged CiviCRM"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.wordpress.php:27
msgid "Search the WordPress Plugin Directory for references to CiviCRM"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.wordpress.php:38
msgid "Version %s"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.wordpress.php:39
msgid "%d+ active installations"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.wordpress.php:40
msgid "Tested up to WordPress %s"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/metaboxes/metabox.repo.wordpress.php:41
msgid "Last updated %s ago"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/pages/page.error.php:23
#: assets/templates/pages/page.integration.php:23
#: assets/templates/pages/page.options.php:23
msgid "CiviCRM Logo"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/pages/page.error.php:25
msgid "CiviCRM Troubleshooting"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/pages/page.error.php:27
msgid "Something seems to be wrong with your CiviCRM installation. This page will help you try and troubleshoot the problem."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/pages/page.integration.php:25
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.integration.php:132
msgid "Integrating CiviCRM with WordPress"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/pages/page.integration.php:27
msgid "We have collected some resources to help you make the most of CiviCRM in WordPress."
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/pages/page.options.php:25
msgid "CiviCRM Settings"
msgstr ""

#: assets/templates/pages/page.options.php:27
msgid "We have collected some settings here because they are important for configuring CiviCRM in WordPress."
msgstr ""

#: civicrm.php:254
#: civicrm.php:379
msgid "Only one instance of CiviCRM_For_WordPress please"
msgstr ""

#: civicrm.php:263
msgid "Please do not serialize CiviCRM_For_WordPress"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:129
msgid "Adding..."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:130
msgid "Contact Added"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:190
msgid "Quick Add Contact to CiviCRM"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:243
msgid "Failed to init CiviCRM."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:247
#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:464
msgid "Please enter a first name."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:251
#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:470
msgid "Please enter a last name."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:255
#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:476
msgid "Please enter a valid email."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:259
msgid "Could not create Contact."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:263
#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:512
msgid "Could not find the created Contact."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:432
msgid "Could not save the contact."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:439
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:445
msgid "CiviCRM not loaded."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:451
msgid "Permission denied."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:458
msgid "No data received."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:491
msgid "There seems to be %1$san existing Contact%2$s with these details."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:506
msgid "Could not create Contact: %s"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-metaboxes/civicrm.metabox.contact.add.php:548
msgid "Contact added."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.error.php:106
msgid "Troubleshooting"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.error.php:228
msgid "PHP Error Information"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.error.php:246
msgid "Path Error Information"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.error.php:263
msgid "General Information"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.integration.php:133
msgid "Integration"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.integration.php:253
msgid "WordPress Plugin Directory"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.integration.php:268
msgid "Other Plugin Repositories"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.integration.php:279
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:644
msgid "CiviCRM Extensions"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:135
msgid "CiviCRM Settings for WordPress"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:136
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:178
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:180
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:181
msgid "Refreshing..."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:182
msgid "Refreshed"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:184
msgid "Clearing..."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:185
msgid "Cleared"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:314
msgid "WordPress Base Page"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:325
msgid "Shortcode Display Mode"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:336
msgid "Contact Email to User Email Sync"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:358
msgid "Permissions and Capabilities"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:369
msgid "Useful Links"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:416
msgid "Could not find the WordPress Base Page."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:632
msgid "Settings - Resource URLs"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:636
msgid "Settings - Upload Directories"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:640
msgid "WordPress Access Control"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:661
msgid "Rebuild the CiviCRM menu"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:665
msgid "Rebuild the CiviCRM database triggers"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:669
msgid "Upgrade CiviCRM"
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:670
msgid "Please note: you need to update the CiviCRM plugin directory first."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:844
msgid "Unable to save the WordPress Base Page."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:852
msgid "Authentication failed. Unable to save the WordPress Base Page."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:859
msgid "No Page ID detected. Unable to save the WordPress Base Page."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:866
msgid "Could not find selected Page. Unable to save the WordPress Base Page."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:892
msgid "Could not get data for the selected Page."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:922
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:966
msgid "Could not save the selected setting."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:929
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:973
msgid "Authentication failed. Could not save the selected setting."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:936
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:980
msgid "Unrecognised parameter. Could not save the selected setting."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:947
#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1003
msgid "Setting saved."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1022
msgid "Could not refresh the CiviCRM permissions."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1029
msgid "Authentication failed. Could not refresh the CiviCRM permissions."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1036
msgid "Unrecognised parameter. Could not refresh the CiviCRM permissions."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1064
msgid "CiviCRM permissions refreshed."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1083
msgid "Could not clear the CiviCRM caches."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1090
msgid "Authentication failed. Could not clear the CiviCRM caches."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1098
msgid "Unrecognised parameter. Could not clear the CiviCRM caches."
msgstr ""

#: includes/admin-pages/civicrm.page.options.php:1108
msgid "CiviCRM caches cleared."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.admin.php:209
msgid "%1$sCiviCRM is almost ready.%2$s You must %3$sconfigure CiviCRM%4$s for it to work."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.admin.php:267
msgid "Installer unavailable. Failed to locate CiviCRM libraries."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.admin.php:301
msgid "%1$sCiviCRM needs your attention.%2$s Please visit the %3$sInformation Page%4$s for details."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.admin.php:560
msgid "Auto-updates are not available for this plugin."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.admin.php:661
#: includes/civicrm.admin.php:662
msgid "CiviCRM Installer"
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.basepage.php:276
msgid "Do not delete this page. Page content is generated by CiviCRM."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.modal.php:92
msgid "Add CiviCRM Public Pages"
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.php:368
msgid "This Shortcode could not be handled. It could be malformed or used incorrectly."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.php:473
msgid "Content via CiviCRM"
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.php:585
msgid "Find out more..."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.php:597
msgid "CiviCRM.org - Growing and Sustaining Relationships"
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.php:600
msgid "Empowered by %s"
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.php:1024
msgid "Register for %s"
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.shortcodes.php:1053
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.users.php:180
msgid "You do not have permission to access this content."
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.users.php:315
msgid "Anonymous User"
msgstr ""

#: includes/civicrm.users.php:607
msgid "CiviCRM Admin"
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Autoloader.php:70
msgid "The source %s is not readable."
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Controller/AuthorizeIPN.php:78
#: wp-rest/Controller/PayPalIPN.php:91
msgid "%s must implement a \"main\" method."
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Controller/Open.php:98
msgid "CiviCRM Open endpoint"
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Controller/Rest.php:79
msgid "CiviCRM WP REST permission check error."
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Controller/Rest.php:92
msgid "Param api_key is not valid."
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Controller/Rest.php:96
msgid "Param key is not valid."
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Controller/Rest.php:395
msgid "CiviCRM API3 WP rest endpoint wrapper"
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Controller/Url.php:165
#: wp-rest/Controller/Widget.php:150
msgid "CiviCRM API3 wrapper"
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Plugin.php:306
msgid "Missing or invalid param \"api_key\"."
msgstr ""

#: wp-rest/Plugin.php:350
msgid "A WordPress user must be associated with the contact for the provided API key."
msgstr ""